Please first try recreating Licensing Store. Recreate the Licensing Store Go to Start >All Programs >Accessories Right-Click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator - accept the UAC prompt Run the following commands in the Command Prompt window, using the Enter key at the end of each net stop sppsvc (wait until the service has stopped before entering the following lines) CD%windir% ServiceProfiles NetworkService AppData Roaming Microsoft SoftwareProtectionPlatform REN tokens.dat net start sppsvc slui. Download Program Za Vracanje Slika. exe After a couple of seconds the Windows Activation dialog will appear.

You may be asked to re-activate and/or re-enter your product key, or Activation may occur automatically. If you are asked for your Key, use the one on the COA sticker on the machine's case Reboot and Post back with a new MGADiag report. ( Note: the Line 'CD%win. SoftwareProtectionPlatform' is all on one line - it may be broken in the Forum listing) Noel Paton Nil Carborundum Illegitemi No - I do not work for Microsoft, or any of its contractors. Please run a full CHKDSK and SFC scan.

Click on Start >All Programs >Accessories Right-click on the Command Prompt entry Select Run as Administrator and accept the UAC prompt - the Elevated Command Prompt window should pop up. At the Command prompt, type CHKDSK C: /R and hit the Enter key. You will be told that the drive is locked, and the CHKDSK will run at he next boot - hit the Y key, press Enter, and then reboot.

KMS host (server) on 2008r2 to. Slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F015. I can't understand how can add windows 7 key on the windows 2008 (kms host) to activate. Aug 28, 2014 License activation for Windows server 2008 R2 core without a KMS server. Run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0x80072EE2' to display the error text. Error: 0x80072EE2. Installing KMS Hosts. Type slui.exe 4 at a command. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 display the warning shown in Figure 1 any time administrators.

Slui Exe Server 2008

The CHKDSK will take a few hours depending on the size of the drive, so be patient! After the CHKDSK has run, Windows should boot normally (possibly after a second auto-reboot) - then run the SFC. SFC -System File Checker - Instructions Click on Start >All Programs >Accessories Right-click on the Command Prompt entry Select Run as Administrator and accept the UAC prompt - the Elevated Command Prompt window should pop up. At the Command prompt, type SFC /SCANNOW and hit the Enter key Wait for the scan to finish - make a note of any error messages - and then reboot. Copy the CBS.log file created (C: Windows Logs CBS CBS.log) to your desktop (you can't manipulate it directly) and then compress the copy and upload it to your SkyDrive Public folder ( ) and post a link to it so that I can take a look. Post a new MGADiag report with details of any error messages encountered. Noel Paton Nil Carborundum Illegitemi No - I do not work for Microsoft, or any of its contractors.

dynapolar – 2018