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I don't know if anyone can help. I have an MSI Apache pro GE 6QD laptop which runs the sims 3 and 4 on ultra settings brilliantly. The problem I have is that the cheat code does not work on sims 3 and 4. I am guessing that it could be something to do with the steelseries light up keyboard but I have no clue how to sort it out. Or it could be something else but I am a bit technically challenged lol. Microsoft Project 2010 Full Crack 32bit 64bit more.

Ctrl Shift V Not Working

Can anyone help. *Solution* Try different key combo such as: Ctrl key on the left side along with the Shift key on right side with the C key all together. This should work in both Sims 3 and 4. This is not really a bug, but a issue that players run into.

In the post linked below, you can find some tips on how to fix the problem. Troubleshooting Ctrl-Shift-C Not Working / Cheats Not Working. Thank you Mrs Flyn. As far as I'm aware I haven't got any screen capture program.

It's seems like everyone else is using cheats. It baffles me because I'm able to use CTRL + SHIFT + C in TS3, but not TS2 either. Really weird it's not working. It's seems like everyone else is using cheats. It baffles me because I'm able to use CTRL + SHIFT + C in TS3, but not TS2 either. Really weird it's not working.

I also have been trying the cheats in live mode and also in sims 3. Its so frustrating.

I have also tried to repair game with no joy. I must be missing something really simple lol.

Edit I have also tried a clean boot with no joy 2nd Edit Well I have spent all day doing some digging for a solution and I think I have found it. For anyone else that may have this problem you need to Press ctrl on the left side along with shift on the right side then c. Hope that makes may take a couple of attempts for the box to stay up but it did eventually.

Peta Jogja Swft there. Thank you all for helping me. Now going to see if it works in sims 3.

A couple of silly troubleshooting questions I hate asking, have you tried restarting the computer and then reloading the game? If you play with mods/custom content move the mods folder out to the desktop and try playing the game to see if that helps?

Trying to get those questions out of the way, so we know those have been tried. If you've been able to use cheat console in the past in either Sims 3 or 4 and it's just been recently that it's quit working. Have you installed any new programs recently, since the cheat console stopped working? What I'm thinking is there may be another program that has the same key combo as the Sims. What program is causing conflict is what we want to know, so we can fix it. Try running a Clean Boot as this will help with stopping any other programs from interfering. ---------- Reference Links: Sims 4 - I can't bring up the cheat window/console.

Thank you Mrs Flyn. As far as I'm aware I haven't got any screen capture program. I also have been trying the cheats in live mode and also in sims 3. Its so frustrating. I have also tried to repair game with no joy. I must be missing something really simple lol.

Edit I have also tried a clean boot with no joy 2nd Edit Well I have spent all day doing some digging for a solution and I think I have found it. For anyone else that may have this problem you need to Press ctrl on the left side along with shift on the right side then c. Hope that makes may take a couple of attempts for the box to stay up but it did eventually.

Thank you all for helping me. Now going to see if it works in sims 3. I think this might be a bug. For some people anyway, as I had this problem and I don't use any screen capture programs, in fact, I play offline and disconnected from the internet, so I have no programs running when I play Sims 4. Is there a bug report for this?

I found that exiting my game, restarting my laptop and going back into my game fixed it, for me. Have you tried repairing the game? I had to do that to get rid of a few old bugs that returned with the Toddler update. If all else you could try reinstalling everything, a pain, I know but it often fixes things that repairing the game seems to miss.

dynapolar – 2018