Gammill Circle Ease

'I really think that Baptist Fan on the Boston Commons Quilt turned out GREAT!! I started the quilting at the center of the quilt and worked out to one end. Then, I remounted the quilt and rolled to center, and quilted out the other direction.

Dec 15, 2007 Gammill Classic and Optimum use the same Circle Lord. Gammill Premier has a shorter Cross bar and longer stylus. See Deb's setup at: http.

Circle-Ease-Fan-Tastic guide - M size bobbins - Machine Oil - Manual. SOLD 1999 Gammill Premier on 12' Frame Theme. Photographs of the Gammill Quilting. The shiny metal pin is also used for the Circle Ease attachment for sewing. This is a close-up of the Gammill dual.

It was a lot of work, but I really think it was worth it. Smadav 10.3 Serial Key more. ' Linda Mae is bringing out a new book.

The book title is 'Quilting in Circles'. It discusses many designs that are quilted using the circle templates as well as the Circle Lord. There are many charts in the book which tell you what size circles to use for multiple sizes of blocks and borders to accomplish the various designs. Circ lelord products are designed and manufactured by Loricles Quilting Tools. Made in North America. I can honestly say that Kay and I stand 100% behind every one of our products.

I design, manufacture, pack, and ship every item that is ordered. I personally cut all the templates on a CNC router that is owned by Loricles. I talk on the phone to every customer, before shipping the first order. Customer service is almost 24-7.

Kay and I do get lonely, because so few customers call for help. Kay takes care of finances, business details and me. Worldwide buyers have used our, no-interest for 10 years, making it easier to get the tools that make them money. Pay as you earn. We have a 30-day money back warranty on all products. The Circlelord is made for 25 different machine models. We make 55 Templates that include multiple designs.

dynapolar – 2018