Synology Surveillance Station License FreeSynology Surveillance Station Camera Support

I have tried to decompile library by IDA - different architecture =>different instructions set and registers. The function GetLicenseCount(void) is on these addresses: LOAD:002069F8; _DWORD ShmLicenseCountCache::GetLicenseCount(ShmLicenseCountCache *__hidden this) LOAD:002069F8 EXPORT _ZNK20ShmLicenseCountCache15GetLicenseCountEv LOAD:002069F8 _ZNK20ShmLicenseCountCache15GetLicenseCountEv LOAD:002069F8; CODE XREF: SSKeyMgr::GetLicenseCountInfo(int *,int *)+4A�p LOAD:002069F8 LDR R0, [R0,#0x1C] LOAD:002069FA BX LR LOAD:002069FA; End of function ShmLicenseCountCache::GetLicenseCount(void) I have tried something, but without effect. But I suggest You to disable updates Surveillance station - actually I think that there is chance to patch It. There is also discussion about patching. I played a bit with and IDA Disassebler.

Good to hear that we're getting somewhere. Unfortunately file doesn't work for me. I think we should clarify what hardware and software we use.

Official Synology Surveillance Station Camera License. Firefox or IE while mobile users benefit from the free app. Download the apps through the official.

Mine is: • Synology DS216play • DSM 5.2 build 5644 • Synology Survailance Station 7.1 build 4056 I tried decompiling using IDA 6.8. Decided to start over once again and I got: DS216play>nm -D /var/packages/SurveillanceStation/target/lib/ grep GenerateKey 00131644 T _Z11GenerateKeyiiRSs Is 00131644 the address I should be looking for? Virtual Image Printer Driver C#. I'll try some decompiling and files tomorrow and will get back to you. If you have any suggestions or hints I'll be glad to hear them.:-). I tried It on: Synology DS216play DSM 6.0 7321 Synology Survailance Station 7.2.1 build 4602 When I executed that command I got nothing: nm: /var/packages/SurveillanceStation/target/lib/ No symbols So You can try use this code, which is mentioned above: In my patched library I removed instruction which call function ShmLicenseCountCache::GetLicenseCount and set directly return value in register R0 on any integer. But there is problem when Synology is restarted - It checks how many cameras are enabled and how many cameras I have licensed. So there happens mismatch and Surveillance disable all cameras.

I have tried it already with different versions and I'm still getting errors like: Loading library=/var/packages/SurveillanceStation/target/lib/ Error /var/packages/SurveillanceStation/target/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZTI14SqlFilterParamDS216play>or Loading library=/var/packages/SurveillanceStation/target/lib/ Error /var/packages/SurveillanceStation/target/lib/libsynoss_1.DDSDS2DS216play>DS216pDS216plDS21DDDDDS2DDS21DSDS2DSDSDDDDSDS2DDS216DDSDSD From what I understand this is caused by either me putting wrong address of GenerateKey or maybe this code doesn't work for DS216play architecture. Either way I'm gonna try something more tomorrow.

dynapolar – 2018