Download Refused The Shape Of Punk To Come Rar

Still kind of a masterpiece. In response to an earlier review stating that it's not punk as its title states and that punk didn't end up sounding like this, the title is an homage to Ornette Coleman's The Shape of Jazz to Come, which similarly, was not what jazz ended up sounding like. That album was more like 'The Shape of Ornette Coleman's Jazz to Come' because he carved such a unique niche for himself that even the most similar artists were not so similar. This album cover too is an homage to jazz album covers from the late 50s and early 60s which was a major turning point in the genre.

The title signifies change, transformation, progression. They can call it punk in the title, but this is NOT a punk record. It's one thing to have some cross genre fusion elements injected into it for the sake of the evolution of sound, but it's an entirely different thing to throw the baby out with the bathwater, drop even the simplest most basic foundations of punk music and then act like this is how punk is from now on. Sleepy Hollow Esp Sub on this page. If it was truly 'future' punk as they so boldly implied, it certainly didn't catch on, because even now no real punk sounds anything like that. It's got to look like a duck and talk like a duck to be a duck. I like the album, but it's not the punk revolution it promised to be. I'm all for musicians breaking the mold and innovation in general but if you call a minivan a sports car, gear heads are going to still call it a minivan despite their advertisements.

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dynapolar – 2018