According to IATA (“Guidance Material and Best. Improvement program; The GoDirect Fuel Efficiency software. Time-frames for the implementation of. Yousendit Express Software.

Program Implementation And EvaluationIata Fuel Program Implementation Guidance Material

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Free Category: Business In September 2015, Honeywell acquired Aviaso, an international aviation software company with expertise in data warehousing and analytics. The acquisition enhanced Honeywell’s service portfolio for airlines with a technologically advanced fuel efficiency software and an emissions reporting solution, as well as consulting and training for fuel efficiency and emissions management. Now Honeywell can help airline customers with data analysis, reporting, identifying savings opportunities, monitoring progress and demonstrating results to optimize fuel usage and comply with emissions reporting regulations. Overview The economic impact of efficient fuel management is huge. Fuel is the largest, or one of the largest, cost factors in an airline. Depending on the airline, fuel costs represent 20% - 40% of the total costs of an airline. IATA states that an airline having a successful fuel savings program can reduce its fuel costs by 3% to 5%.

The fuel conservation solution from Honeywell provides a full range of data analysis, reporting, and monitoring tools to help airlines achieve these savings. Fuel efficiency improvement program According to IATA (“Guidance Material and Best Practices for Fuel and Environmental Management”) the following is required to minimize overall operational costs such as fuel costs, delay costs, maintenance costs, etc: • Effective communication • Efficient procedures • Adequate training • Proactive management of each flight • Continuous monitoring of each flight • Coordinated situational awareness on every flight Fuel savings initiatives can only be successful if the communication with the various stakeholders can rely on accurate data. If the fuel efficiency data is not accurate, stakeholders will be reluctant to cooperate, and the whole fuel efficiency program will be jeopardized. Honeywell provides various tools to communicate effectively and accurately with the stakeholders. The communication can be tailored to the needs of the recipients. For example, a CEO can see the overall savings of the company, a head of department can see how the initiatives in the department are progressing, and a pilot can see his data compared to his peers. Measure to manage The well-known management adage: “you can’t manage what you don’t measure” is of particular relevance for fuel efficiency improvement programs.

An airline can only improve if it is clear which initiatives are making progress and which are not. It is crucial to know day-by-day and flight-by-flight, whether the initiatives are really carried out. The GoDirect Fuel Efficiency software keeps track of the actual and planned data for each and every flight, and every flight can be thoroughly analyzed and compared with the target values to be achieved. GoDirect Fuel Efficiency software The GoDirect Fuel Efficiency software contains the four parts: Data collection, Data quality assurance, Analysis and Communication. Overview of GoDirect Fuel Efficiency.

Data collection Typically, all data required for the fuel efficiency improvement program is available somewhere in the different IT systems of an airline. The challenge is to identify in which IT system the data is stored and how to retrieve it. Data from the following IT systems can be used: • Flight schedule system • Flight planning system • FDM/FOQA • Load information/DCS • ACARS • Fuel accounting / inventory system • Tech log and/or EFB The GoDirect Fuel Efficiency data warehouse stores more than 1’000 parameters for each flight. Honeywell supports an airline in importing the required information from its various IT systems and even provides ready-made import adapters for several of the leading IT systems.

dynapolar – 2018