Vista Pe Without Waik

Beginner's Guide to Creating a VistaPE CD. If you find this guide helpful. See the section below on how to download and install the WAIK. SCCM stops to setup Windows Vista (Windows PE reboots without. If it is from the Vista.

About two months ago I discovered the to be able to work with different demo images for the sessions I did at with physical machines instead of the (still much slower:)) Virtual PC images. The WAIK includes, which is a tool that allows you to create images of a partition of your machine and package them into the new. The first steps using WAIK and imagex.exe These files can be used for centralized deployment via the (successor of Remote Installation Services). But in my case I used it to image and restore different types of demo images for my physical machines as I did not want to work with the slower VPC counterparts at a conference such as TechEd Europe. Therefore I created two partitions on my developer machine, one with my primary OS-instance (Vista joined into our working domain for email etc.) and a second partition for my different demo images. On the second partition I installed Windows Server 2003 with everything I needed for my demo sessions (different images, detailled steps see below) and then I created an WIM-image from the Vista OS instance using imagex.exe from the WAIK as follows: imagex /capture D: M: WindowsImages Windows2003_OfficeDev.wim 'Windows Server 2003 Office Development' This command captures everything on drive 'D:' into a WIM file stored on my external hard disk 'M:'.

Then I tried the demos for the session and to get the original situation again I just restored the image as follows: format D: /q. Imagex /apply M: WindowsImages Windows2003_OfficeDev.wim 1 D: To get the complete picture, here is what I did for where I required for example one image for SharePoint 2007 Office Development, one image for Windows Vista for WPF and Composite UI Application Block Development and a third one for plain, old Office 2003 development (during the beta stage of Office 2007 and especially VSTO 2005 SE installing Office 2003 and Office 2007 side-by-side was not supported. Right now fortunately this is supported and works really fine, therefore I have tried the imaging stuff on several machines, already): •.

Now I had my demo images as WIM-images available and could switch between Office 2003 and Office 2007 (beta at that point of time;)) within 15 min. By restoring the appropriate image via imagex /apply. With that, management of my demo partitions became really fairly easy and I was not forced to use Virtual PCs but still remain with the same advantages such as restoring an original stage of my machines very quickly.

3d Studio Max Italiano Gratis Crack. Creating a Windows PE image using WAIK The next step was fairly obvious. At home I used the days between Christmas and New Year to get my IT infrastructure done, at home. And of course I wanted to have a very smooth way of restoring my test servers and workstations quickly if something goes wrong. So my idea was creating WIM images for each of the servers and either deploying them via from my PDC or just from external hard disks.

But I don't want to have two OS instances on each machine (one for imaging and image restore and the other one for 'productive work'). So I required a CD-bootable version of Windows to be used as imaging and restore OS-instance with imagex.exe installed. Finally the WAIK includes all the tools for creating Windows PE instances which are bootable from either CDs, DVDs or USB sticks (!!). I thought before the new year starts right now I need to try something risky with my home machine:) After searching a while I've found to blog entries which are uncovering some details for creating Windows PE images (. But frankly the steps are so simple that I was completly surprised: • Download and install (obvious:)) • Open the 'Windows PE Tools Command Prompt' • Create a directory for the template of your Windows PE image (e.g.

C: WinPE as I use it here) • Next switch to 'C: Program Files Windows AIK Tools PETools' • Execute 'copype x86 C: WinPE' • Now copy anything (tools, programs etc.) you want into the ISO directory of your Windows PE template directory (in my case 'C: WinPE').

Every Windows 7 has equipped with Windows PE (Winre) as a recovery tools that can be access from install DVD, recovery folder or system repair cd. All those Winre image are the same image except start with different shell. Windows 7 also has Dism to mount/unmount wim image, all of that resources (winre and dism) can be use to build custom Windows 7 PE without downloading WAIK.

dynapolar – 2018