Mb Patch

Manhattan Beach Parks and Recreation's 27th annual World Famous Pumpkin Race took over at the base of Manhattan Beach Boulevard Sunday afternoon. Locals stood in line with their entries—some so massive they arrived in strollers—for the chance to release their gourds-on-wheels down the hill. And, as some disappointed participants learned, some pumpkins have a mind of their own, crashing into the side rails and never even making it to the finish line.

The pumpkins came in all colors, shapes and sizes. Some were painted, some so elaborately decorated, you had to search to find any sign of vegetable, or is it fruit? Bffs Sleepover Surprise here. Every year, a few tricksters enter the race, disguising watermelons as pumpkins or (horrors!) placing a gourd on a skateboard instead of on regulation wheels.

In any regard, if you are caught with a 'cheater' squash, it is, well, squashed by the Mallet of Justice.

May 21, 2010 When things are really swinging, Patch.com in Manhattan Beach should be making $33 a month.

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