We want to complete this procedure, what kind of 'Product key' is required? We only have MAK and KMS for Office 2010, no product key. And where is it exacty located? To check your PID press the win key and pause at the same time, or open system properties through the control panel, scroll down to activation section and look at the.

Technet Subscriber Keys

Hi everybody For a project in my organisation, I have to purchase new server hardware. For the project we have to purchase around 70 Servers running Windows Server 2012 R2. Install Gpmc.msc Windows 7. The Servers are going to run in a network without internet connection. The computers are delivered by a contractor who installs the OS and some additional Software.

For that reason, the activation has to take place in the factory of the contractor. However, the Software Licence itself will be provided directly by us.

Our orgaisation has both, MAK and KMS keys. However, we would like to avoid giving our MAK to the contractor. Now my questions: 1. If we want to use the MAK for activation: Is there a way for the contractor to activate the OS without having access to the MAK (e.g. By providing a 'prepackaged' ISO of Windows that already contains the key)? If we use the MAK: Is there a way of tracking which computers were acitvated using this key? (IP address, MAC address, hostname, etc) 3.

I we want to use KMS: How is this possible in a Network without Internet? Or would we have to provide a KMS that is in both networks (internet and our closed LAN) and, hence, might be a security issue?

Is the KMS a dedicated Computer or could it be run by one of the already planned servers? How complex is it to setup such a server? Vista Wireless Unidentified Network Local Only. Running a KMS server would make everything more complicated for us, for that reason we try to avoid it. Does anybody have some experience with such a situation? What is a viable solution in such a case? Thanks for your help!

Regards, Ben. If we want to use the MAK for activation: Is there a way for the contractor to activate the OS without having access to the MAK (e.g. By providing a 'prepackaged' ISO of Windows that already contains the key)? If we use the MAK: Is there a way of tracking which computers were acitvated using this key?

(IP address, MAC address, hostname, etc) 3. I we want to use KMS: How is this possible in a Network without Internet? Or would we have to provide a KMS that is in both networks (internet and our closed LAN) and, hence, might be a security issue? Is the KMS a dedicated Computer or could it be run by one of the already planned servers? How complex is it to setup such a server? You would need to re-master (customise an image), or employ something like MDT.

Or you could use an unattend file on a USB stick (but the unattend file, which would have been built by you, contains the pkey, and the XML is plain text) 2. Deploy a KMShost (use any server) into the isolated network.

Activate the KMShost via telephone keypad. Deploy the KMSclients (your 70 servers). If you are going to deploy DNS in some form into this isolated network, the KMShost can auto-publish the relevant _vlmcs._tcp SRV records, and the KMSclients will discover and auto-activate to the KMShost.

You can use one of the 'already planned' servers for the KMShost role. Setup of a KMShost is easy, especially if you deploy DNS. It's only slightly more complicated if you won't have DNS, you would just need to configure each of the KMSclient servers with the 'static' hostname or IP address of your KMShost, which is easily done at the KMSclient by using cscript slmgr.vbs /skms The 70 KMSclient servers will need to be able to contact the KMShost server periodically, so I assume the 70 servers will all be networked to allow that. Alternatively, if these servers will be AD Domain members, you could implement ADBA, so that the member servers will activate themselves via the ADBA object you publish into the AD. Thunder Elite Fastpitch Softball Ohio.

(ADBA is even less effort than KMS, and KMS is not a lot of effort:) see the blogs/links section at the bottom of this wiki article I wrote, for more detail: Don [doesn't work for MSFT, and they're probably glad about that;]. There's a lot of what appears to be unnecessary complexity going on here. First, they should be building your images from your volume licencing media (including an image based on it), which by default means it uses the standardised KMS activation key for that specific platform. What they shouldn't be doing is using an image based on any other kind of key (as sysprep should reset the key and the MAK shouldn't really be in the answer file for the aforementioned reason). So long as this is the case, then I'd be recommending they leave activation alone altogether and let the servers self-activate against your internal KMS infrastructure once they arrive.

dynapolar – 2018