• 1.TOTTO-CHAN The Little Girl at the WindowBy Tetsuko Kuroyanagi Translated by Dorothy BrittonThe Railroad StationThey got off the Oimachi train at Jiyugaoka Station, and Mother took Totto-chan by the hand to lead her through the ticket gate. She had hardly ever been on a train before and was reluctant to give up the precious ticket she was clutching.“May 1 keep it!” Totto-chan asked the ticket collector.“No, you can't,” he replied, taking it from her.She pointed to his box filled with tickets. Quot;Are those all yours!quot;“No, they belong to the railroad station,” he replied, as he snatched away tickets from people going out.“Oh.” Totto-chan gazed longingly into the box and went on, “When I grow up I'm going to sell railroad tickets!”The ticket collector glanced at her for the first time.

“My little boy wants a job in the station, too, so you can work together.”Totto-chan stepped to one side and took a good look at the ticket collector. He was plump and wore glasses and seemed rather kind.“Hmm.” She put her hands on her hips and carefully considered the idea. Quot;I wouldn't mind at all working with your son,” she said. “I’ll think it over. But I'm rather busy just now as I'm on my way to a new school.quot;She ran to where Mother waited, shouting, “I’m going to be a ticket seller!”1 • 2. Mother wasn't surprised, but she said, “I thought you were going to be a spy.”As Totto-chan began walking along holding Mother's hand, she remembered that until the day before she had been quite sure she wanted to be a spy.But what fun it would be to be in charge of a box full of tickets!“That's it!” A splendid idea occurred to her. The Bull Chase Game Miniclip - Download Free Apps here. She looked up at Mother and informed her of it at the top of her voice, “Couldn't I be a ticket seller who's really a spy!”Mother didn't reply.

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Under her felt hat with its little flowers, her lovely face was serious. The fact was Mother was very worried. What if they wouldn't have Totto- chan at the new school! She looked at Totto-chan skipping along the road chattering to herself. Totto-chan didn't know Mother was worried, so when their eyes met, she said gaily, “I've changed my mind. I think I'll join one of those little bands of street musicians who go about advertising new stores!”There was a touch of despair in Mother's voice as she said, “Come on, we'll be late.

We mustn't keep the headmaster waiting. A Ravi Shankar George Harrison Collaborations here. No more chatter. Look where you're going and walk properly.”Ahead of them, in the distance, the gate of a small school was gradually coming into view.The Little Girl at the WindowThe reason Mother was worried was because although Totto-chan had only just started school, she had already been expelled. Fancy being expelled from the first grade!It had happened only a week ago. Mother had been sent for by Totto-chan's homeroom teacher, who came straight to the point. Quot;Your daughter disrupts my whole class.

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I must ask you to take her to another school.” The pretty young teacher sighed. “I'm really at the end of my tether.”Mother was completely taken aback. What on earth did Totto-chan do to disrupt the whole class, she wondered!Blinking nervously and touching her hair, cut in a short pageboy style, the teacher started to explain. “Well, to begin with, she opens and shuts her desk hundreds of times. I've said that no one is to open or shut their desk unless they have to take something out or put something away. So your daughter is constantly taking something out and putting something away - taking out or putting away her notebook, her pencil box, her textbooks, and everything else in her desk.

For instance, say we are going to write the alphabet, your daughter opens her desk, takes out her notebook, and bangs the top down. Then she opens her desk again, puts her head inside, gets our a pencil, quickly shuts the desk, and writes an 'A.' If she's written it badly or made a mistake she opens the desk again, gets out an eraser, shuts the desk, erases the letter, then opens and shuts the desk again to put away the eraser- -all at top speed. When she's written the 'A' over again, she puts every single item back into the desk, one by one.

She puts away the pencil, shuts the desk, then opens it again to put away the notebook. Then, when she gets to the next letter, she goes2 • 3. Through it all again--first the note-book, then the pencil, then the eraser--opening and shutting her desk every single time. It makes my head spin. And I can't scold her because she opens and shuts it each time for a reason. Ei - Systems 3086 Manual. ”The teacher's long eyelashes fluttered even more as if she were reliving the scene in her mind.It suddenly dawned on Mother why Totto-chan opened and shut her desk so often. She remembered how excited Totto-chan had been when she came home from her first day at school.

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