Can anyone tell me where I might find more details about PSAUTHITEM.AUTHORIZEDACTIONS in PS 7.5? Ghost 32 7z Cnet. //*-------- INTERESTED IN THIS MESSAGE? RELATED CONTENT -------- Intelligent Document Delivery: The Ins and Outs of Business Process ROI With Oracle ERP (White Papers) How to Increase ERP Success (Blogs) Get started in building a CRM for a Bank (Wiki) Converting SQL from MS Server 2000 to Oracle 10g (Groups) -------------------------------------------------------------*//. On Customer Connection - search Star Wolves Patch 1.1. 'PSAUTHITEM Authorized Actions.'

You'll find resolution #200734237 which has the following info: Authorized Actions: 1: Add 2: Update Display 3: Add/Update/Display 4: Update/Display All 5: Add/Update/Display All 6: Update/Display/Update/Display All 7: Add/Update/Display/Update/Display All 8: Correction 9: Add/Correction 10: Update/Display / Correction 11: Add/Update/Display/Correction 12: Update/Display All/Correction 13: Add/Update/Display All/Correction 14: Update/Display/Update/Display All/Correction 15: Add/Update/Display/Update/Display All/Correction 128: Data Entry.

Advanced PeopleSoft Security Audit David Pigman. AUTHORIZEDACTIONS (Authorized Actions) Authorized Menu Items (PSAUTHITEM) CLASSID (Permission List). The value of PSAUTHITEM.AUTHORIZEDACTIONS is given below 1: Add 2: Update Display 3: Add/Update/Display 4: Update/Display All 5: Add/Update/Display All 6. Audacity Manual 1.2 6 here.

Peoplesoft Authorized Actions 4Psoprdefn
dynapolar – 2018