Use of Grant Funds Preamble The following are guidelines to assist the authorized representatives and the institutions’ financial administrators in their interpretation of the acceptable use of grant funds. The list of examples is not exhaustive. Authorized representatives are encouraged to communicate with their relevant institutional contacts, e.g., financial administrators and research grants officers.

Generateur Keygen Jeux Steam Pc Controller. For further information on any of the Agencies’ policies and requirements, contact the Agency's Finance Division. General Principles The authorized representative must not have any financial or personal interest, direct or indirect, in any transaction charged against the Agency’s grants.

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In general, the College and Community Innovation (CCI) Program funds must be used for direct costs of research. However, depending on the CCI grant type, some limited funds could be used for operating, equipment and supplies costs (up to 20% of the total project costs) as well as for overhead and administration costs (up to 20% of the grant instalment per year), see the various types of CCI grant descriptions for details. The funds must be used effectively and economically, and the expenses must be essential for the projects/activities supported by the grant. Consult the Eligible Expenses sections for each of the CCI grant types for additional details on use of funds. Medical Physiology Costanzo Pdf. The use of funds described therein takes precedence: • for colleges • (ARD) • (ARTI) • (CCSIF) • (CU-I2I) • (IRCC) • (IE) • (for colleges) (SYN) • (TAC) Contributions to shared expenses must be directly attributable to the funded program, and agreed to and approved by the authorized representative. In the absence of a written Agency policy, the institution’s policy is to be applied (e.g., per diem rates for travel). Taylor Swift Fearless Platinum Edition Digital Booklet. In the presence of both an Agency policy and an institutional policy, the Agencies require compliance with the involved Agency policy, recognizing that institutions may also have to comply with their own policies.

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