The Groundwater Foundation and Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska are proud to announce the arrival of the Let’s Keep It Clean patch program. Girl Scouts all over. Jul 28, 2011 Girl Scouts Use New Age Program to. 2011 by SBrinkmann. A Z S01e11. The Arizona Cactus-Pine Council of the Girl Scouts is planning to host a program this.

I'm a GS leader at the Junior Level. The whole program is changing and we won't have training or the material until late September UH, Isn't the GS Motto 'Be Prepared'? LOL I'm not as resistant to change as some and realize you will see that in the form of criticism when a program changes. My question is, Are there ANY positives to the Journeys? I haven't heard ANY! Zippo, Nada, None! Usually there are those visionaries who look past the uncomfortableness of change and can champion or atleast point out the positives.

New Girl Scout Program 2011

I haven't seen that at all IRL or on the net and it's rather discouraging. My undersanding is the Journeys consist of reading and workbook type material. That is consistant with the one I considered doing with our troup as Brownies. Our girls want to do, do, do and go, go, go so My thought is we are going to do a LOT of tweaking if this is the case. I'd feel much better if I heard some positives about the new program though! It's going to be interesting to see what the comments are when our girls find out the badges are pink possibly flourescent pink. Program Latihan Periodisasi Untuk Pembentukan Otot. :-) LOL Margie, Well, I was hoping for positives but validation is also useful.:-) It is disssappointing GS seems to be off track. I have a High School daughter in Girl Scouts.

She has been in her troop for 11 years. I still think Girl Scouts is a great thing. Regardless if it is 'dorky' to still be in it or not. I think they get a lot out of it.

In the older level the girls do thier Bronze, Silver and gold awards and those things helped my daughter get into some of the top high schools in the Bay area and I am hoping it helps on her college application. Some Gold Award reciepiants were talking about how they felt it got them into some of their colleges they were shooting for.

I am hoping for the same in the next two years. I know the rules and requirements keep changing but it still seems worth it.:). You must have been reading my mind. I've been trying to get information on the Journeys (I'm also a Jr. Leader) from our council but can't even find out if or when there is training on them -- or whether they are 100 percent mandatory to use or just another potential resource.

I also don't want to invest in the books until I can have a good long look at them, but seem unable to get any detailed information online; it seems that we must purchase them to see them in any detail. I am not averse to change! But if 'girl ownership' is the credo of GS, and we ask our girls, 'Here's this program, do you want to pursue it,' and they say. No, then what do we do? The flexibility to do what works for our particular troop has always been the best part of being a leader and I hope that won't change. Our troop, like yours, Stitch, wants to go and do all the time.

Of course we want them to reflect on things and think about lessons learned but I have no idea yet if the Journeys series is going to do that for them or not. I have been told this week by our council, by the way, that the 'old' Junior Badge Book is still valid until spring of 2012, so you should be able to use that with your troop all this coming year. Is Outlook 2010 Compatible With Vista. Double check with your own councils, though. Joy -- It's not true that the only difference in the new badges is their color.

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