Disintegration Loops Rar. How To Add Greasemoney and Other Scripts To Opera 11. One of my favorite add-ons for Firefox was Greasemonkey. Install, and use custom user scripts in Opera. About / Userscript Beginners HOWTO. No previous knowledge understand how to install and use userscripts. Referred to as Greasemonkey scripts. How to Use Greasemonkey in Opera Greasemonkey is a Firefox extension that allows Firefox users to install scripts that make quick changes to web pages.

How To Install Greasemonkey

Greasemonkey is a Firefox extension that allows Firefox users to install scripts that make quick changes to web pages. Using this extension you can add new functionality to web pages and web sites like adding an HTML signature in Google, bypassing image verification in Orkut, changing an orkut theme or a Gmail theme, etc.If you’re an Opera user then there’s a good news for you. Opera supports Greasemonkey scripts! These user scripts work exactly how they work in Firefox. You can simply import them into Opera unlike in Firefox you where you need to install the Greasemonkey addon.

Here’s an easy tutorial which will guide you to do so: 1. Download the Greasemonkey script you want to use.2.

Now, rename the script so that it ends with “.user.js” 3. Open Opera and go to Tools >Preferences >Advanced >Content and click the LavaScript Options button. In User JavaScript files field, choose the location of your scripts folder and click OK.5. Restart Opera for the changes to take effect.

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