The Gundam Barbatos is the 8th of the 72 Gundam Frames created by Gjallarhorn near the end of the Calamity War to counter the threat of the powerful mobile armors such as Hashmal. It was later discovered by Maruba Arkay in the Mars desert and was recovered to serve as a power reactor for Chryse Guard Security's base.

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The machine was taken out of the base by Mikazuki Augus during Gjallarhorn's assault. CGS, now Tekkadan, continued to improve the suit with parts and armor taken from defeated Gjallarhorn mobile suits. Teiwaz technicians later restored the Barbatos to its original appearance and close to its original performance. Barbatos' spare parts were later used to transform the ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion that Tekkadan had obtained from the space pirate Brewers into the ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion Rebake. After the Montag Company offered their alliance to Tekkadan, the group gives them spare parts for Gundam Barbatos as a gift.

Some of them were used for Barbatos' 5th Form, and 5th Form Ground-Type, and proved to be handy during the atmospheric entry battle and subsequent battles on Earth. During the battle against EB-AX2 Graze Ein, Mikazuki was pushed hard and in order to win, he sought more power from the Barbatos via his Alaya Vijnana system. The system responded to his request and improved his reaction speed, leading to Barbatos having better movements.

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