Zip Code For Spangdahlem Afb

Location of Spangdahlem AB (SPM), 54529 Spangdahlem, Germany on the map. Load Location load a location by coordinates, location name or zip code. City informations of Spangdahlem, latitude, longitude, map and postcode / zip code of Spangdahlem 54529. 52 FW Spangdahlem Post Office, Spangdahlem Air Base. 52 Fighter Wing, Spangdahlem Air Base Post Office. Postal codes (ZIP) Spangdahlem - 54529.

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Fast Facts Location: Spangdahlem Air Base (AB), Germany, home of the present-day 52d Fighter Wing FW), has been a steadfast military presence in the Eifel Mountain region of Germany for over four decades. The country boasts a great cultural diversity, charming towns and attractive landscapes. Spangdahlem Air Base is located in the federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz, about 20 miles northeast of the city of Trier in the southwest section of Germany along the borders of Belgium, Luxembourg and France. This region is known as the EIFEL. Check out all the great information under the Newcomers Link on our Spangdahlem AB. Cost of Living: Germany is a high cost of living area. The costs of off-base housing and utilities are high, but normally your housing allowance covers your housing expenses.

Full coverage automobile insurance can be very expensive. Base Operator: 0-61-1110, or DSN 314-452-1110 314-452-1110 Population: (Includes Spangdahlem, GSUs, Tenant Units, FOA Dets) • Military: 3987 (As of 15 May 15) • Local Nationals: 631 • US Civilians APF: 199 • Dependents: 5207 (As of 15 May 15) • Total Population: 10,024 Area Population: Eifel Region: 900,00; Trier: 100,000 Base Transportation: The 52 FSS Lodging shuttle service from Spangdahlem to Ramstein, Frankfurt and other airports is available. You can find up-to-date shuttle-bus information at the Eifel Inn or. There is a contract taxi service located on base and can be utilized for a fee. Child Development Centers: Due to the lack of off-base child care facilities, it is highly recommended that you think about taking action on child care issues before your move to Spangdahlem. We encourage you contact the Child Development or School Age Program as soon as you know you have orders so your children can be placed on the appropriate waiting list as soon as possible.

dynapolar – 2018