Dec 20, 2009 While a Los Angeles County coroner's official said Brittany Murphy's death appeared to be from natural causes, some are speculating a Murphy anorexia. Brittany Murphy speaks out about Eminem. He actress Brittany Murphy who has played Jimmy. I personally think that Brittany Murphy looks like a fuckin crack head.

Click to expand.Understanding and having sympathy = excuses Many addicts are damaged people. The alcoholic who has been in therapy for 15 years because he was beaten into unconsciousness and raped as a child.the drug addict who witnessed his entire family get murdered by a burglar.the anorexic that was abandoned by her parents as a baby and shuttled from one foster home to another her whole live. I wouldn't make 'excuses' for them if they weren't seeking help, trying in some way to overcome their issues. But i'd certainly have some sympathy for how horrible their life has been for them. Many addicts are damaged people.

The alcoholic who has been in therapy for 15 years because he was beaten into unconsciousness and raped as a child.the drug addict who witnessed his entire family get murdered by a burglar.the anorexic that was abandoned by her parents as a baby and shuttled from one foster home to another her whole live. I wouldn't make 'excuses' for them if they weren't seeking help, trying in some way to overcome their issues. But i'd certainly have some sympathy for how horrible their life has been for them. Click to expand.You might want to work on the whole judgmental thing. Of course they are escaping from something, but lets blame them for not being able to handle their personal demons. Some people are not as strong as others, some people have greater issues than others, and some people avoid their issues in different ways. Would you feel bad for the man who worked 80 hours a week to avoid dealing with his personal life, and dropped dead of a stress induced stroke, because his 'crutch' was more palatable?

Brittany Murphy Too Thin

Walk a mile in another mans shoes, indeed.

Girls, please! STOP FRYING YOUR SKIN AND DIETING SO MUCH! Your burnt-skinned, anorexic look is NOT sexy. I repeat, NOT SEXY. Take care your skin.

You'll be glad you did. If you want a tan (which I do like), go lightly. And for fuck's sake. Put on some weight.

Eat healthy and exercise. Don't follow the 'Cute-to-Skank' path of Britney, Christina, Brittany Murphy, Renee Zellweger, Hilary Duff.etc.etc. And stop wearing so much goddamn make-up. We want to see your face, not Bozo the Clown. Counter Strike Go Utorrent. All in all, don't trade your 'girl next door' look for the 'whore on the corner' look.

Just my opinion. So fire away. OK, i agree about the make-up and about the tan. But the skinny thing is what gets me. I have always been thin and have always had a high motabolism.

I eat like a pig and never gain weight. But people constantly tell me to eat and it pisses me off - BAD!!!! I eat all the time and yet just because I am thin people assume that I don't eat or that I starve myself!!! I mean really, think about it. What if you were thin and had no way of controlling that; then everyone around you always says 'you need to eat something' or 'damn, do you ever eat' Wouldn't that piss you off?

Hastings Mn Drivers Test Course. So I guess my point is that not everyone that is thin chooses to be; same with people who are bigger! *Hugs to all*. OK, i agree about the make-up and about the tan.

But the skinny thing is what gets me. I have always been thin and have always had a high motabolism.

I eat like a pig and never gain weight. But people constantly tell me to eat and it pisses me off - BAD!!!!

I eat all the time and yet just because I am thin people assume that I don't eat or that I starve myself!!! I mean really, think about it. What if you were thin and had no way of controlling that; then everyone around you always says 'you need to eat something' or 'damn, do you ever eat' Wouldn't that piss you off?

dynapolar – 2018