
An action-oriented strategy game in which you take control of sadistic (yet cute) little characters, Baldies invites you to wipe out the enemy Hairies and achieve. A cartoon rendition of the traditional minion-management real-time strategy game, developed by Creative Edge Software. The game's tag-line is 'demented action for. A budget-priced title from European publisher Phoenix Games. Welcome to the amazing worlds of Baldies, where our follically challenged little friends engage in. Download Baldies (Puzzle game) - An alternative to Lemmings, with a different concept: make Baldies cooperate to defend their territory from opponent's attack.

Overview The titular Baldies are a short, rotund race of funny little men who, as their namesake suggests, lack any sort of hair producing follicles. The player acts as their disembodied hand-god, guiding hapless Baldies through their normally peaceful daily activities. Not all is well in the land of the Baldies. There is another race, that of the evil Hairies, whose sole purpose in life is to dominate the land and to drive the Baldies into extinction. Wavepad Sound Editor Crack on this page. The goal of the game is to control the Baldies, help them create weapons of war, and ultimately wipe out the Hairy threat. Gameplay Gameplay in Baldies.

How To Install Baldies GameBaldies Game
dynapolar – 2018