Aug 06, 2010 [AutoIT] ProgressBar TheMrXpand. AutoIt: How to program a. How to use a progress bar in visual basic 2008/2010 - Duration. Old Times Roman Font.

Autoit Download Progress Bar

Hello I'd like to enable a progress bar for some silent installs or tweaks. I don't want to time it, but instead to increase the steps from the code sections (from RunOnceEx or batch files) I thought at Autoit script, but i have some problems: 1- I don't know how to pass parameters to an active script, so I only managed to run again the same script with new parameters. Last one kills all of them.

Not a very good solution. 2- ProgressOn and ProgressSet maintain the process bar window opened only if I add a sleep( ms) line. That wouldn't be a problem if only the batch file that launches the script wouldn't wait too! Unix Sumitabha Das Ebook. Where do I do wrong? Here is the script.

Wow the script is perfect that way, thanks! Nice things the 'Interpreter' and 'infinite while' solutions (I couldn't understand before why that bar disappeared) I still have the second problem though, because I'm running actbar. Cara File 100 Mb Dengan Cepat Express. exe from a batch file. I have to use it as I'm doing registry modifications and various operations.

Converting all to a script would be long and full of new errors. Putting it in another script would be a poor solution (multiple files).

Anyway, with the batch the execution stops after the first script launch. I don't know why, dos shouldn't wait for program termination normally! (only with start /wait) What the.?? I'll add a batch example so you can see the problem. (You won't reach the first pause ). Anyway, with the batch the execution stops after the first script launch.

I don't know why, dos shouldn't wait for program termination normally! (only with start /wait) What the.?? Not AFAIK with the NT based interpreter. • The CMD interpreter will wait for an execution until processing the next line when a CMD script is used as to invoke the CMD interpreter initially.

I notice some particular executions do return immediately as to possibly respawning a new process or some other unknown reason so using Start /wait tends to handle these more reliabily to prevent the immediate return. The default behavior allows the CMD script to complete the command on the line before progressing with the next line.

• An execution from a CMD prompt will not wait for an execution unless you use Start /wait. The default behavior allows you to do multiple commands without waiting for the CMD prompt. You answered all questions in a perfect way! Wow, I didn't know that I could pass commands to cmd.exe. That is very useful. Also%COMSPEC% is new for me. Now I'll just need to correct minor things (for example a fixed 100 is better than $Max hehe) You helped me a lot MHz, thank you very much.

dynapolar – 2018