Authority Zero The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point is the fifth full-length studio album released by American punk band Authority Zero. Ultimate Producers Drum Kits Full here. It was released on April 02, 2013 through the Hardline. Lyrics to 'The Tipping Point' song by Authority Zero: Hey you Let's get this started Throw up your hands And no more standing on our own Hey you, Hey you.

Punk veterans will release their new album, The Tipping Point on April 2, but you can listen to it here first. Stream the album below and read along as the band explain the meanings behind the songs in our exclusive track by track. “No Other Place” 'No Other Place' has to do with everything that is going on at the present time. Touring, life just everything that is happening in that given instance and living in that moment. A reaffirmation that no matter how hard or painful things are or have been, it's what brought you to this place and to embrace the good in it.

Authority Zero The Tipping Point Rar

The idea came about with being onstage at the show with everyone brought together in that moment, although it also transfers into the day-to-day of life and it's obstacles. “Undivided” “Undivided” sort of speaks for itself.

It’s about unity and coming together to make a difference—not letting our petty differences get in the way of the bigger picture. Survival, friendship, love, family and above all, working as a whole to make a better world to live in for ourselves and future generations. “Take Or Leave It” 'Take Or Leave It' is about no more excuses, owning up to your BS and persevering. How did you get to this place in your life? It’s about not passing the blame of your own actions onto others and playing the victim ’til you've beaten it to death. Download Pricing And Managing Exotic And Hybrid Options Pdf more. When writing this song, there was a lot going on, and it kind of reflects coming to terms with a given situation, dealing with it and moving on with your life. In many ways getting a taste of your own medicine and learning from it.

“For The Kids” “For The Kids” to me has everything to do with the history of Authority Zero and everyone who has been a part of this journey: original members from back in the early days when we started this crazy train up, to every single fan, friend and new member we’ve met and picked up along the way. So much blood, sweat, sacrifice, energy and time has been put into the history of this group. Not only on our end as individual musicians, but the fans who have stuck by our side all these years making it possible. It’s paying homage to all those kids and every member that has given his or her life to this as well as their families and loved ones who, without question, supported their dream. “Struggle” “Struggle” is about just that: making it through the hard times and realizing without those struggles, what you’ve strived for wouldn’t be as gratifying—or even possible for that matter. It’s the struggle that makes it worth it in the end. The song is about taking hold of your destiny and realizing it’s a matter of having the guts to make the hard decisions that will bring you and those around you happiness.

dynapolar – 2018